Been A While
I apologize, I have neglected my blog for the last few months. Honestly besides work there really has not been a lot going on. I usually try to get out some during the winter but this year has been exceptionally wet, seems it rained every weekend for months, and as I mentioned, some new responsibilities at work have really kept me tied down but I have some great plans for the spring and summer.
I am planning a trip to southern Wyoming that should be fantastic. I plan to spend most of my time exploring the Medicine Bow-Routt National Forest. As you can see from the screen shot there should be no shortage of places to fish!
Also planning lots of weekend trips to my familiar haunts in Western North Carolina as well as exploring some new areas. One particularly grueling hike close to Joyce Kilmer Memorial Forest should be really great, hopefully a lot of gorgeous native fish and spectacular views.
I am getting fired up just thinking about it, should be a fantastic year! Look forward to sharing my trips and of course I welcome any feedback, feel free to hit me up in the comments. See you on the creek, Chris

Also planning lots of weekend trips to my familiar haunts in Western North Carolina as well as exploring some new areas. One particularly grueling hike close to Joyce Kilmer Memorial Forest should be really great, hopefully a lot of gorgeous native fish and spectacular views.
I am getting fired up just thinking about it, should be a fantastic year! Look forward to sharing my trips and of course I welcome any feedback, feel free to hit me up in the comments. See you on the creek, Chris
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