I know I have written about it before but it has been almost 40 years ago that I went on my first backpacking trip with my grandfather to this stream. It was the first week in April in either 1979 or 1980, blue whizzing cold, spitting little hard pellets of snow and I only caught one fish but I was hooked for life. This is also the stream that my great grandfather logged and where my grandfather was raised. I spent a good portion of my childhood hiking, fishing and coon hunting here. This past weekend I was fortunate enough to be able to backpack back into that same stream and reconnect with family that I haven't camped and fished with in many, many years. It was a rainy, damp few days but an experience I wouldn't trade for anything and hopefully one that we can repeat many more times.

I am by no means a photographer and all of these pictures were taken with a cell phone, even so, I believe the beauty of this mountain stream comes shining through.
Gear I used on this trip was a Redington Classic Trout 8'6" 3 weight and an old martin model 61 reel. I like 2 weight line on this rod and even with this light set up I feel I could have went lighter. Really wish I would have taken the Kurenai seiryu rod, guess that will be a great excuse for the next trip.
My Warbonnet Superfly and Dutchware 11' net less hammock kept me dry and comfortable. Honestly anyone that enjoys backpacking, or just camping for that matter, and hasn't tried a hammock really should give them a try, I will never go back to the ground.
It was a fantastic weekend with great people. I feel very thankful and blessed that I was able to enjoy this reunion with my family and with a stream that feels like family.
See you on the creek, Chris
Thanks for sharing! It is motivating!